HelmholtzZentrum munich
Linkage Disequilibrium
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About SNiPA

The SNiPA development team

Dr. Matthias Arnold
Dr. Matthias Arnold
Dr. Johannes Raffler
Dr. Johannes Raffler
Nick Lehner
Nick Lehner

SNiPA is a joint project of the Institute of Computational Biology (ICB) at the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the Bioinformatics Core Facility at the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar.

SNiPA was mainly developed and is being maintained by Dr. Matthias Arnold and Dr. Johannes Raffler, both members of the ICB (former IBIS) Metabolomics group. As of 2020, Nick Lehner joined the project to update and maintain SNiPA.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding SNiPA, feel free to contact us: feedback@snipa.org

Citing SNiPA

Arnold M, Raffler J, Pfeufer A, Suhre K, and Kastenmüller G. SNiPA: an interactive, genetic variant-centered annotation browser. Bioinformatics (2014). Available at http://www.snipa.org. Accessed [date of access].
These authors contributed equally.


We thank all research groups that generated the data integrated into SNiPA (see the documentation for a full list of references).
Also, we thank the developers of SNAP at the Broad Institute for their inspiring work. We hope that they will find our tool just as useful as SNAP has been to us in the past.

Legal Notices

Disclaimer (adapted from Ensembl)

SNiPA imposes no restrictions on access to, or use of, the data provided and the software used to analyse and present it. SNiPA data generated by members of the project are available without restriction.

Some of the data and software included in the distribution may be subject to third-party constraints. Users of the data and software are solely responsible for establishing the nature of and complying with any such restrictions. The Helmholtz Zentrum München (GmbH) and the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar provide this data and software in good faith, but make no warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for any purpose for which they are used.

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